Ok, really weird dream. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Set in a time where USA and the Soviet Union are at a full-on war.

  • The first part of the dream sees me running across an American battlefield, trying to avoid bullets, mines, bombs, missiles and just about every other type of munition.

  • I saw a very large passenger jet, presumably American, get hit by a missle and then crash into the sea. This jet was filled with Olympic athletes.

  • At this point, the dream becomes more of a movie and I am delegated to observer status.

  • A rag-tag group of Americans decide that the only way to stop the Soviet Union is to infiltrate their country and kill their leader. The group of Americans consist of a female Olympic judge, a 12-year-old girl and an older guy that looks like James Earl Jones.

  • This group has to train to be able to infiltrate the country. Instead of learning military techniques, they learn how to train water snakes.

  • I don’t remember how, but all of a sudden the entire group is in the heart of the Soviet Union. The unnamed leader is hiding out in a rural town in a boarding house.

  • The little girl sneaks upstairs, undetected, to find the leader sleeping amongst 15 other people from the town. The girl places a rag of some sort of chemical over the leaders mouth, knocking him out. Instead of just killing him, the girl saws off his head with a dull machete and puts it into a burlap bag. No one has yet noticed anything has happened. She sneaks downstairs and runs outside.

  • Just as she joins the rest of her group hiding behind a bush outside, there is a sound much like the sharpening of a machete. From an open window upstairs, the now-dead body of the leader with a ghostly head starts to appear in the window. At first, it’s safe to assume he is about to brandish a machete when instead he pulls out a .50 cal machine gun (the type that is normally truck mounted). Before he can fire, the James Earl Jones character grabs a gun from the ground and sprays the leader with bullets.

  • The end.

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